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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

“Zośka” Battalion in Czerniaków

After a few days of rest, on September 5, 1944, the “Zośka” Battalion, together with the rest of the “Radosław” Grouping, moved to Czerniaków in order to ensure there the access of the insurgent forces to the Vistula River, from where the Uprising command expected assistance from Soviet and Polish units. In this section, the “Radosław” units experienced unusually strong attacks by German armies, which thus wanted to facilitate their defense against the landing of the Red Army and the Polish Army subordinate to Stalin. As a result, the insurgents, including the soldiers of “Zośka”, defended themselves for several days in extremely difficult conditions against the superior forces of the enemy, which resulted in the death of 85 of them. On September 23, the battle of “Zośka” Battalion in Czerniaków ended, while there was no effective attack by Soviet and Polish armies from Praga.

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