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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Genesis of “Parasol”

The spectacular and unprecedented action of recapturing prisoners transported from the Gestapo headquarters to the Pawiak prison – the Arsenal Action, as well as the subsequent combat actions of the Grey Ranks made the underground army begin to value the courage, training and morale of the Assault Groups. So when, in the late spring of 1943, cichociemny Capt. Adam Borys “Pług” was assigned the task of creating a diversionary unit for special tasks, he asked to be assigned 75 scouts from the Assault Groups. Organizational activities lasted about four months, during which the future “Parasolars” did not idle, taking part, among other things, in the rescue of prisoners from a transport to Auschwitz at the station in Celestynów or in the blowing up of a train near Goleb.

On August 1, 1943, the „Agat” unit was established, specifically tasked with liquidation actions against officers of the Gestapo, the German secret police focused on combating the Polish underground. In January 1944, the unit was rebranded as „Pegaz,” and by May 1944, following a further reorganization, it evolved into a battalion structure. Inspired by General Sosabowski’s brigade, the battalion was intended to adopt a parachute specialty upon emerging from clandestine operations, earning the code name „Parasol,” symbolizing a parachute canopy. Under this name, the unit played a significant role in the Warsaw Uprising as part of the Home Army Group „Radosław.”

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