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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”


On August 5, heavy fighting began at the Evangelical cemeteries. The Germans repeatedly attempted to drive the insurgents from this area, and between attacks, they bombarded the area with grenades. This was particularly severe for the defenders, as the shrapnel from the stone tombstones proved to be as dangerous as the mortar grenades themselves. On August 6, at the Calvinist cemetery, the commander of „Parasol,” Captain Adam Borys „Pług,” was severely wounded. His deputy, Second Lieutenant Jerzy Zborowski „Jeremi,” then took command of the battalion. Over the next two days, the „Parasol” Battalion defended the Evangelical cemeteries with all its might, suffering heavy casualties in killed and wounded.

In the eight days of fighting in Wola, the „Parasol” Battalion lost 54 soldiers and had around 150 wounded. On the evening of August 8, units of „Brody 53” took over the positions at the Evangelical cemeteries and Mireckiego Street from „Parasol.”

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