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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Old Town

On the morning of August 9, the „Parasol” Battalion reached the Old Town, where they were assigned quarters in the Krasiński Palace. The soldiers lacked almost everything, especially ammunition. Their task was to defend the Old Town from the direction of the ghetto, manning the barricade across Leszno Street near Przejazd Street, around the Mostowski Palace, and in the Krasiński Gardens.

In addition to the constant fighting, mounting losses, and lack of rest, the chronic shortage of ammunition became the greatest challenge during this period. On August 11, along with other units of the „Radosław” Group, the battalion defended positions around the Mostowski Palace, Gęsia Street, Okopowa Street, and Stawki Street. However, the overextended lines and strong German attacks forced the insurgents to retreat towards the Old Town. The next day, „Parasol” continued defending positions near the Mostowski Palace and Gęsia Street, and on August 13, the 1st and 3rd companies participated in an attempt to recapture Stawki Street.

The losses were enormous – during the fighting in the Old Town, 118 „Parasol” soldiers were killed. One of the most tragic days in the battalion’s history was August 27, when at 7:30 a.m., a German Ju 87 Stuka dive bomber dropped two heavy bombs on the Krasiński Palace, killing 27 people.

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