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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Battle for the Bridgehead of Hope

After the fall of the Uprising in Powiśle, Czerniaków became the only area where insurgent positions reached the Vistula River. Maintaining control over this section of the Vistula’s shore was linked to the hope for reinforcements from the eastern bank. This is why the most elite insurgent units were directed to this region. The „Radosław” Group moved there through the sewers in two shifts during the nights of September 2-3 and 3-4. Upon arrival, a reorganization took place. The decimated battalions „Zośka” and „Parasol” were merged into one Battalion „Broda,” and the battalions „Czata 49” and „Miotła” were combined into Battalion „Czata.” On September 7, Colonel „Radosław” was appointed the chief commander in Czerniaków. After taking command of the local units, he had about 1,100 soldiers at his disposal. The battle for the survival of the Warsaw Uprising was about to begin.

The Germans fully understood the gravity of the situation. A strong landing of Soviet or accompanying Polish troops in Czerniaków could significantly impact the battle for the Vistula line and hasten the fall of the Third Reich. Therefore, from September 10, 1944, the German command focused all efforts on eliminating the insurgent grouping in Czerniaków. Successive blocks of buildings became targets for violent assaults by German infantry using tanks and assault guns.

The subunits of the former „Parasol” Battalion dwindled rapidly as the fighting here was even bloodier than in the last days of the Old Town battle. The combat was at close range, with buildings being defended one by one. Initially, the area around the streets: Solec, Okrąg, Ludna, and Wilanowska was defended. Soon, the even-numbered side of Ludna Street and then the fortified buildings at numbers 22 and 20 had to be relinquished to the Germans. On September 14, „Jeremi” was severely wounded for the third time. Jerzy Zapadko „Mirski” took command of the remnants of „Parasol.”

On September 15, the remnants of „Parasol” defended the PKO building at Ludna Street 7 and 7a. The final bastion became the building at Okrąg Street 2, defended by the entire former „Radosław” Group.

When the first reconnaissance unit from General Berling’s army appeared on September 15, the access to the Vistula was defended by the remnants of „Zośka” and „Parasol.” Ultimately, on September 16, 420 men entered the fight on the left bank of the river, and another 390 the following night. Unfortunately, this did not change the situation of the insurgents.

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