3 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

The final battles of the last “Parasoliers”

Facing inevitable defeat and making the dramatic decision to leave their severely wounded soldiers in Czerniaków cellars, Colonel „Radosław” decided to evacuate the remnants of his group through the sewers to Mokotów. On September 19, 33 of the last fighting soldiers of the former „Parasol” Battalion managed to reach Mokotów via the sewers. They were led by Jerzy Zapadko „Mirski.” They took quarters in buildings at Odyńca Street 25 and 27. The unit did not engage in combat operations with its full strength. Small groups participated in battles at Królikarnia and Majewskiego Street and guarded the sewer entrance at Szustra Street. On September 27 (the capitulation of Mokotów), they entered the sewers through this entrance and moved to Śródmieście. There they endured until the final surrender of the Uprising.

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