3 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Defending Podwale, Ślepa, and Piwna Streets

The remaining two companies, „Gertruda” and „Harcerska,” were gathered by Captain „Gustaw” in the vicinity of Ogrodowa Street. On August 6, following the orders of the commander of the 1st District of the 1st Region of the Home Army Śródmieście, Battalion „Gustaw” moved to the Old Town. There, it became part of the „North” Group and was assigned to the „Róg” Group. The battalion’s ranks were reinforced by soldiers from the disbanded Battalion „Antoni”—the „Anna” Company, led by Second Lieutenant Andrzej Sanecki „Andrzej,” and the „Aniela” Company, led by Captain Włodzimierz Stetkiewicz „Włodek.” Captain „Gustaw” once again took command of the now four-company battalion. For the following weeks, the battalion engaged in fierce battles in the area of Podwale, Ślepa, and Piwna streets.

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