4 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Explosion on Kiliński Street

On August 13, Battalion „Gustaw” suffered heavy losses due to the explosion of a German heavy explosive carrier, the Schwerer Ladungsträger Borgward B IV, known as a „trap tank,” on Kiliński Street. Approximately 300 people, both soldiers and civilians, were killed in the explosion. The greatest losses were borne by Battalion „Gustaw,” with 67 soldiers killed and 13 wounded.

Fighting in Śródmieście

While „Gustaw” was engaged in fierce battles in the Old Town, the unit under the command of Lieutenant „Harnaś” fought in the defense of Mazowiecka, Traugutta, Czackiego, and Świętokrzyska streets. On August 23, in collaboration with the company of Lieutenant Jan Piotrowski „Lewar,” they participated in the capture of the Police Headquarters and the Holy Cross Church on Krakowskie Przedmieście, and later defended these positions.

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