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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

The Underground Organization „Wigry”

The name of the scouting battalion „Wigry” derives from the elite scout instructor courses organized since 1924 by the Warsaw scout district in the forests by Lake Wigry. In the early 1930s, as Polish Scouting became increasingly politicized, the group of Warsaw instructors led by Władysław Ludwig—long-time commander of these courses—resisted this trend. This conflict led to the dismissal or departure of about 100 excellent instructors from the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) just before the outbreak of World War II.

After the Germans occupied Warsaw, Wladyslaw Ludwig set out to organize former scout activists. He led to the creation of a secret scout military organization, which was to prepare its members for the future fight against the occupier.On October 30, 1939, the Military-Independence Organization „Wigry” was founded by five former Warsaw scoutmasters: Władysław Ludwig („Kamil”), Witold Sosnowski („Witold”), Czesław Tomasik („Czesław”), Eugeniusz Konopacki („Trzaska”), and Roman Kaczorowski („Prokop”).

Preparations for the Great Test

Władysław Ludwig lacked military experience, but this was provided by another co-organizer of „Wigry,” Eugeniusz Konopacki, codenamed „Trzaska” and later „Gustaw.” He became the military „brain” of the organization.

Initially, „Wigry” was a cadre organization meant to form the core of a future military battalion. While most members were scouts, they also began recruiting non-scouts. In April 1941, „Trzaska” integrated „Wigry” into the Union of Armed Struggle (later the Home Army, AK). By the end of 1943, „Wigry” had organized two full companies with 250 soldiers, non-commissioned officers, and officers. Although they were poorly supplied with weapons and ammunition, „Wigry” had a significant advantage in the large number of trained non-commissioned officers and officers.

This situation led to close cooperation with the Grey Ranks (Szare Szeregi). „Trzaska” became the Commander of the Military Training Center of the Grey Ranks and the commander of the „Agricola” cadet school course. Twenty officers from „Wigry” served as instructors at „Agricola.”

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