6 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

The Beginning

On the day the Warsaw Uprising broke out, the concentration point for the „Wigry” battalion was the Old Town (Starówka). The battalion’s state of armament was dire. The „Wigry” soldiers had only a small number of pistols, grenades, and a few rifles. Just before the „W” hour (the start of the uprising), only 11 „Błyskawica” submachine guns were delivered. In the evening of August 1, the commander of the „Paweł” group ordered the battalion to march to the Kampinos Forest to better arm the soldiers. Half of the „Wigry” battalion departed from the Old Town.

In Warsaw’s Wola District

On the morning of August 2, the insurgents reached the Evangelical Cemetery. However, it became apparent that it was too late to leave the city. In this situation, the „Wigry” soldiers were engaged in the defense of the Wola district. Early in the morning on August 4, a German column approached the barricade on Obozowa Street, manned by one of the „Wigry” companies. This marked the battalion’s first engagement in the uprising, resulting in the breaking of the Germans and the capture of some weapons. The „Wigry” battalion continued to fight in Wola until August 6.

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