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English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

„Wigry” in the Old Town

Between August 2 and 6, the second wave of the „Wigry” Battalion was formed in the Old Town (Starówka). A women’s sanitary and liaison platoon was also organized, led by Dr. Izabela Niedźwiedzka, known as „Bela.” In buildings at 7 Długa Street and 23 Podwale Street, the women established the largest insurgent hospital in the Old Town. After reorganizing the unit upon his return from Wola, „Trzaska” (Eugeniusz Konopacki) managed to consolidate the battalion, which then comprised 380 soldiers and officers.

The „Wigry” Battalion became part of the „Róg” group, tasked with defending the Old Town. By mid-August, the sector defended by the „Wigry” extended from Świętojańska Street through Dziekania, Kanonia, Jezuicka, Celna, Brzozowa, the cathedral itself, and the Jesuit Church. The fighting in this area was extremely intense. The enemy employed tanks and aircraft, notably bombing the cathedral. The „Wigry” assault company was used during this period to defend particularly threatened sectors or to launch counterattacks.

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