6 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Further Battles in the Old Town

On August 26, the commander of „Wigry” took charge of the defense sector stretching from Kamienne Schodki, through Brzozowa and Rybaki to Kościelna Street. The positions held by „Trzaska” were constantly under fire from artillery, tanks, self-propelled guns, and machine guns. Despite this, successive attacks were repelled. Captain „Zaręba” led the 3rd Company of „Wigry,” along with a group of soldiers from the „Dzik” Battalion and the AL (People’s Army), in a counterattack that successfully recaptured the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and its surroundings.

On August 31, the Church of the Sacramentine Sisters was destroyed in subsequent bombings, trapping many civilians in its cellars. Under fire, the „Wigry” soldiers worked to rescue the buried civilians. However, the Old Town was reduced to rubble. Thousands of wounded insurgents and civilians were sheltering in the basements of buildings and churches. Food, ammunition, and even water were running out.

Attempt to Break Through

In this dire situation, a decision was made to attempt a breakthrough to the City Center (Śródmieście), which would allow the evacuation of the wounded and civilians. The best assault teams from various battalions were assigned to this mission. From „Wigry,” 22 soldiers were selected, led by Captain „Trzaska.” On August 31, at 4:00 a.m., the Polish attack commenced from Bielańska Street. The „Wigry” soldiers barely managed to cross the street, and fierce hand-to-hand combat ensued in the burnt-out buildings on the other side, often in cramped rooms.

The ranks of the „Wigry” quickly thinned, although the Germans also suffered losses. Only „Trzaska” and three other soldiers made it to Senatorska Street. However, the Germans, under the pressure of the attacking forces, retreated towards Teatralny Square.

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