2 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Jan Romocki “Prayer of the Gray Ranks”

From war, poverty and hunger
The sullied blood of the nation,
From tears shed insanity
Protect us, Lord

From the uncertainty of each night,
From the desperate hands of impotence,
From the fear of what is to come,
Protect us, Lord

From bombs, grenades and conflagration,
And worse still the trepidation in the heart,
From terror as terrible as dying
Protect us, Lord

From resignation in the time of defeat,
But also from pride on the victorious day,
From wrongs – but also from revenge for them
Protect us, Lord

Protect us from evil and hatred.
May our retaliation not come true.
For their forgiveness pardoned
Pour power into us, Christ.

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