5 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

“Agat,” “Pegaz,” and finally “Parasol”

During the period of conspiratorial struggle, the unit evolved through several iterations: “Agat,” “Pegaz,” and ultimately “Parasol.” It became one of the principal executors of “Operation Główki,” aimed at eliminating the most dangerous officials of the German terror apparatus, identifiable by the death’s head insignia on their hats. This operation was designed to demonstrate to the occupied Polish population that German atrocities would not go unpunished and to instill fear among German oppressors regarding potential retribution. The operation achieved its intended effect, resulting in a reduction of mass executions by the occupiers.

Numerous dangerous officials of the terror apparatus were eliminated during these operations, including Franz Bürkel, the deputy commandant of Pawiak prison; August Kretschmann, the deputy commandant of the Gęsiówka labor camp; and Ernst Weffels, the shift manager of the women’s ward at Pawiak prison, among others. The most audacious of these liquidation actions was the execution of Franz Kutschera, the SS and police commander for the Warsaw district.

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