5 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Fall of the Old Town On August 31, the remnants of „Wigry” defended positions at the Church of the Dominicans on Freta Street, as well as on Brzozowa and Krzywe Koło Streets, where the situation was the most dire. At the last moment, Lieutenant „Prokop,” with the remnants of the assault company, came to the […]
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6 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Further Battles in the Old Town On August 26, the commander of „Wigry” took charge of the defense sector stretching from Kamienne Schodki, through Brzozowa and Rybaki to Kościelna Street. The positions held by „Trzaska” were constantly under fire from artillery, tanks, self-propelled guns, and machine guns. Despite this, successive attacks were repelled. Captain „Zaręba” […]
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6 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

Defense of St. John’s Cathedral On August 14th, the Germans renewed their assault on St. John’s Cathedral. They set fire to the buildings on the opposite side of Kanonia Street and launched at least two daily attacks from that direction over the next several days. Each time, the „Wigry” soldiers repelled them. The situation became […]
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6 Minut czytania

English Version of the Exhibition 'Bataliony Harcerskie w Powstaniu Warszawskim”

The Goliath On August 13th, at Castle Square (Plac Zamkowy), insurgents captured a tracked vehicle resembling a small tank. To the great delight of the residents, the „tank” paraded through half of the Old Town. However, the captured vehicle was actually a Goliath tracked mine—a remote-controlled explosive carrier. Likely, while attempting to navigate a small […]
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